iPhone mockup held by user beside a swimming pool

iPhone mockup with flowers in the background

iPhone mockup on a table with a flower pot at the side.

iPhone mockup on a phone stand

iPhone mockup on a workstation

iPhone mockup beside iPad Air

User holding up iPhone in a garden mockup

iPad Air mockup on a dining table in front of a framed photo

iPad Air mockup with a framed photo in the background

iPad Air mockup leaning on a wall beside a plant

iPad Air mockup on a table leaning against a wall

iPad Air mockup lying on a folded blanket

iPad Air mockup on a blanket

iPad Air mockup on a chair with a plant in the background

iPad Air mockup on a wooden table beside a coffee mug

iPad Air mockup on a wooden table beside a plant

iPad mockup in front of a user beside a croissant

iPad Air mockup next to the window

iPad Air mockup under a kitchen shelf

iPad Air mockup placed on a kitchen table

iPad Air mockup placed under a utensil rack

iPad Air mockup on an iPad stand in a kitchen

iPad Air mockup in an elevated position on a kitchen table

iPad Air mockup on a kitchen counter
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