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Hollywood Mockuuups

Hollywood Mockuuups

In Mockuuups, we love making unexpected releases, and that's why we are so excited about every April Fools day. A year ago, in 2015, we published mockups of Nokia 3310 and this year we went even further. We invited 10 Hollywood Stars to shoot mockups of various devices with us.

Bots UI Kit

Bots UI Kit

We have just released a UI Kit for making Facebook Messenger Bot prototypes…

Career in Web Design

Career in Web Design

Careers are changing faster than ever before. Old model of “finish high school, get college degree and find a job for the next 20 years” doesn’t work anymore. Millennials change jobs every 2 years on average, they need to stand out from the crowd by showing initiative, taking creative approach to job hunting and such.

Giveaway: Announcing the First Winner of Our Awesome T-shirt

Giveaway: Announcing the First Winner of Our Awesome T-shirt

Maybe you already had a chance to see our little promo popup for a t-shirt giveaway and joined the competition. If not, don't worry it's still on and we'll be giving away a lot more shirts soon :) We would like to announce the first winner of our monthly t-shirt giveaway, complete with stickers, and one little secret gift...

Howdy from Mockuuups Team

Howdy from Mockuuups Team is one year old now, can you believe it? For the last year it’s been just us three guys clicking away for a bit of fun after our daily jobs as two designers and one developer. We have dedicated many weekends towards never ending photoshoots and retouching sessions. As much as it’s been an exciting journey, it’s also become difficult to keep up with all the demand.