iPad Air mockup in a woman's hand at a modern office


This high-resolution mockup shows a latest model iPad Air securely held in a woman's hand. The woman is seated at a sleek wooden desk, donning a smart, light blue shirt and beige trousers that suggest a professional setting. The tablet's screen is blank, offering a perfect canvas for your personalized content to be showcased. The office environment is subtly blurred in the background, emphasizing the tablet and the activity at hand. This mockup is ideal for presenting business apps, professional portfolios, or digital presentations in a realistic work context.



  • Simply drag & drop your screenshot or import from Figma, Sketch and Photoshop
  • No need to download and store large design files
  • High-Resolution (8103×6077)
  • No watermarks
Mockup Generator API

Generating iPad mockups from this template can be fully automated using our API. You only need to provide the ID of this mockup and a URL of the screenshot or website you want to place in the mockup and we'll take care of the rest. Learn more about the automation

ZdjSgPK-IgGJFBwy Copy ID

iPad Air Mockup

iPad Air mockup in a woman's hand at a modern office

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