Here is a list of Mockuuups Studio alternatives.
In case our collection doesn’t quite have what you’re looking for.
But if you’ve been wanting to create beautiful app previews. You’ll know there are tons of options out there, and you might feel a little confused?
Here's a nice run-through of some of the studio alternatives, including print, animated, and video mockups. Plus a breakdown of the different price points and delivery methods to help you work out what's best for you!
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First, let’s acknowledge where you likely started, Googling for “free mockups.” There are tons of free mockups scattered around the internet. The problem is, you’ve got no control over their format and quality.
You might waste time trying to find something decent or have to learn costly software like Photoshop to create product mockups.
We’d recommend you skip this step entirely and dive into one of the methods below…
Like purchasing stock images for commercial use. The same method can apply to creating beautiful app previews. You can either turn purchased images into mockups manually or buy Photoshop mockup PSDs.
But beware, you’ll need to be Photoshop savvy.
Shutterstock is a leading stock image listing site with over 370M+ scenes, bound to have something for you. But the real pain is when you have to turn purchased images into mockups manually with Photoshop. If you're short on time, it's best to move on.
Check it out here -
Creative Market is a place for designers to find fonts, website themes, iPhone mockups, and so on, and it’s a great place to buy packs of mockup templates. But note many of them are in PSD format. This is great if you have a Photoshop subscription, less so if not.
Check it out here -
Mockup aggregator sites like mockupworld have a bunch of mockups from packaging to fashion, billboards, and iPhone devices. And you’ll find a ton of free mockups you can run with which is great.
But with many of them being free, the quality is questionable. And you’ll need to edit the PSDs in Photoshop.
Check it out right here -
If you’re looking to create free product mockups for commercial use. Why don't you check out our free PSD freebies from our early days? Ranging from iPhone to laptop and tablet mockups.
Grab them for free right here –
If you’re wanting to create animated or video device mockups for product demos or UX workflows. Here are a couple of great solutions…
Although costing a bit more than Animockup, Rotato gives you stunning animated and 3D mockups for a one-off price.
With up to 4K in quality from a virtual camera, easy customization, and drag and drop formatting – the experience is great.
You can customize things like device colors, glass reflection, and shadows too! The only downside of Rotato is you need a Mac to run it. Plus the one-off price could put you off if you only need a mockup here and there.
You can check it out here –
Animockup is a basic browser-based animated mockup generator. They’ve got several devices ranging from iPhone to Android devices, plus laptop and smartwatch mockups.
With quick and simple animations with customizable durations and backgrounds, you’ll be off in no time!
Check it out right here -
MockRocket is claimed as an easiest 3D device mockup generator, meaning that you don't have to spend hours learning how to setup your scene and get stunning product showcase.
It's super fast, web-based (supports Chrome or Edge) and offers free plan with unlimited watermarked images. Oh, don't forget to boost your workflow with a handy Figma plugin allowing to create animated showcases right inside the Figma.
Check it out right here -
Want longer video device mockups for marketing your app? Here are a couple of great options…
Mockup video is a fairly basic tool where you can upload your videos to static iPhone devices. Here you’re not getting cinematic shots but rather the ability to frame videos within a device.
With export sizes made specifically for youtube, Instagram, and Facebook window sizes some might find it useful!
But if you’re looking for cinematic visuals you might need to look elsewhere.
You can check it out here –
Mockup Clips take things up a notch and let you place your media into 4K stock videos from your browser. If you’re looking to create videos for pitches, promos, websites, or socials this is for you.
Select footage, upload your media and it’s precisely tracked and composited for realistic results.
You can check it out here –
Although device mockups work well for app listings. Here’s a service where you can add color and text to create beautiful app previews…
Launchmatic makes it easy to create iPhone or Android app visuals for marketplaces. With dozens of template packs with fonts, colors, and translation it makes it easy to create mockups without design skills.
You can check it out here –
If device mockups aren’t for you and you want print, eCommerce, or apparel mockups here are some great places…
Placeit is probably one of the most well-known online mockup generators. They’ve got over 17,000 mockup templates ranging from print to mugs and apparel.
But with such a broad range, the collection isn’t quite as curated as other options out there.
Here’s a quick run-through of how Placeit compares to Mockuuups Studio.
Mockup Mansion has a ton of professional print mockups ranging from business cards up to billboards. And compared to Placeit they seem to be of superior quality.
Having said that, these mockups are in PSD format so you’ll need a Photoshop license.
Check it out right here —
If you run an eCommerce store this is the place for you. Mockup Mark is a purpose-built apparel online mockup generator for T-shirts and Hoodies. They seem to have a diverse range of models and angles to suit the vibe you're after. Plus have well-known brands to select cuts and shapes.
Check it out right here —
Now, of course, there’s also a ton of free device mockup generators like Mockuuups Studio. But often you’ll find the studio alternatives generic with strict image upload requirements and have to format them one at a time.
See how Mockuuups Studio professional mockup generator compares to the popular alternatives below if you’re wanting to create beautiful app previews.