MacBook Pro mockup on a dark tiled floor


This mockup features a sleek MacBook Pro 16" positioned open on a dark blue tiled floor that creates an elegant and modern setting. The play of light and shadows adds an element of depth to the overall composition, with the laptop's silver finish reflecting the ambient light. Ideal for showcasing website designs or applications in a contemporary context, this scene provides a spacious display for your digital content. The simplicity and sophistication of the mockup make it perfect for professionals looking to present their work in a stylish and realistic environment.



  • Simply drag & drop your screenshot or import from Figma, Sketch and Photoshop
  • No need to download and store large design files
  • High-Resolution (6400×4800)
  • No watermarks
Mockup Generator API

Generating MacBook mockups from this template can be fully automated using our API. You only need to provide the ID of this mockup and a URL of the screenshot or website you want to place in the mockup and we'll take care of the rest. Learn more about the automation

ZiJTT8TfiAFX5Fqf Copy ID

MacBook Pro 16-inch Mockup

MacBook Pro mockup on a dark tiled floor

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